We had our cardiologist follow-up exam last Friday. At Camdyn's appointment last year, the cardiologist said she had a PFO. He explained to us that it was not a problem, but it should be monitored with a follow-up exam in a year. At the time, Cade did not have an appointment. The cardiologist said we would check his heart at the yearly follow-up as well.
On Friday morning, we got dressed for our big appointment. I had to include this cute picture of them in their only real matching outfits. They have several coordinating outfits, but you can't do too many actual matching outfits with boy/girl twins. My mom got these cute overalls for them. The only way I could get them to sit still was by reading a book. Cade is saying "Moooo" here.
Luckily, my mom was able to go to this appointment with us. It helped so much to have an extra pair of hands.
After we were already in the exam room, Cade decided to open the door and sprint down the hallway (naked) to check out the scale.
Back in the room, we opened the blinds to let the kids look outside for a while. This appointment took about 2 1/2 hours from start to finish! They checked their heart rhythms first and then did a full echo cardiogram on both Camdyn and Cade. Trying to get two active toddlers to lay still to do this was quite a challenge.
(Look at my bony babies. It looks like they could be on those commercials for third world countries' mal-nourished kids. I wish they could put some meat on those bones!)
When you are stuck waiting in an exam room for an extended period of time, you have to find ways to keep toddlers entertained. I turned some music on on my phone and we had a doctor's office dance party in the exam room only in diapers! They were so cute dancing around.

After a very long wait, the cardiologist finally came into the room to discuss the results. His opening line was, "I have very good news." Well, that was something we never heard in the NICU. It was wonderful to hear that. He then told us that their hearts looked "perfectly normal". I could barely believe my ears. After heart surgeries at just 2 weeks old weighing just over a pound each, there I was listening to a cardiologist tell me their hearts were "perfectly normal." He repeated it several times because I think he knew I liked hearing it. Camdyn's PFO had completely closed, and Cade did not have a PFO. I told the doctor I was so happy I could hug him! He laughed. He ended by saying we do not have to come back for any more follow-up exams. Yay! We get to check one more specialist off our list!
Thank you God for their "perfectly normal" hearts!