Camdyn and Cade are both now off oxygen which is amazing! They are also now in a crib together. I love seeing them all cuddled up when I go in. I have been waiting so long to get to see them in the same crib together.
Camdyn - Camdyn started taking 1 bottle per day and breastfeeding 1 time a day. She still doesn't take much from the bottle or the breast, but she is trying and getting some. She will get better at it. She still occasionally has brady/apnea episodes. I hope she outgrows these soon. She finally reached her 4 lb mark last night (7/7). She now weighs 4 lbs. 1 oz.
Cade - Cade is getting breastfed twice a day (when I can make it to the NICU twice a day). He is not getting any bottles right now because he was having a lot of trouble with them - choking, desatting. They are giving him a few more days to try again. They don't want him to develop an aversion to the bottle/eating. He does well at the breast because he has more control. He has not had any brady/apnea episodes in about 3 weeks. On the worrisome side, he failed his initial hearing screen. We don't know if it was due to fluid in the ears from the cannula, partial hearing loss, or more severe hearing loss. He will be tested again in a few weeks. I feel like he can hear me. Cade now weighs 5 lbs. 11 oz. That's like a small newborn - not even a preemie.
They are now 3 months old, and we haven't even reached our due date of 7/25 yet. We still have 3 weeks to go to reach that. And, we have 3 month olds who weigh 4 lbs. 1 oz. and 5 lbs. 11 oz and wear preemie and newborn sized clothing. This is all so crazy, but we are so very proud of our babies. They are absolutely amazing!
God - We are so thankful for all the progress the babies have made. We are thankful that they are off oxygen and breathing on their own, breastfeeding, and co-bedding. We are amazed by them every day. Thank you for sending us these little miracles to love. We pray that they both are able to hear. If there is hearing loss for Cade, we pray for miraculous healing. We ask that you continue to watch over them, protect them, heal them, and make them stronger. Amen.
Camdyn and Cade and such beautiful miracles! I continue to pray for their growth and improvement so y'all can take those sweet babies home very soon! Love y'all!!
Those are two of the cutest babies I have ever seen! (And I think Cade has inherited a certain someone's bottom lip!) Love you guys and still praying for continued growth and healing!
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