Thursday, August 26, 2010

Finally - an update!


I know all of you have been waiting for an update.  I had to wait until I had a chance to post pictures because my sister tells me that posts with no pictures are boring.  To say that we have been pretty busy around here is an understatement.  I know what it's like waiting for an update because I have been following a fellow NICU mom's blog, and I check it all the time for updates.  If you want to read about a truly incredible journey, check out her blog at  Here's a picture below of why I haven't had a chance to post.  Sometimes we are all hooked up.  I'm hooked up to the breast pump with a baby on each side of me in a boppy while they are hooked up to their feeding pumps.  It's quite a scene. 

Look at my sweet babies below.  Yes, Cade is that much bigger than Camdyn.  This is not just a strange angle.  He looks like a giant next to her.  At their last appointment, Cade weighed 9 lbs. 12 oz. and Camdyn weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz.  I hope Camdyn can get to at least 8 lbs by their 5 month birthday on Sept. 5.

Could they be any sweeter?

Here's a picture of them after they had their blood drawn.  Look how cute they look with their matching arm bands.  They only cried a little when they had their blood drawn.  Maybe they have a high tolerance for pain after all they have been through.  I think I was more scared and sad than they were.

I love this picture.  Camdyn is "playing" polly pockets with her big sister.  I think Camdyn is looking at Brenna like she thinks she is so cool.  How cute!

Camdyn and Cade fighting on their play mat.  Camdyn is saying, "Mommmm - He's hitting me!"

They love their swings.  They are happiest when they are swinging.

This is Uncle Jason's first time to meet the babies.  It's such a cute picture because they look so sweet and innocent against Jason's police uniform.  I think Cade is saying, "I didn't do it!"

Camdyn and Cade meet their Great Grannie Stahmer for the first time.

Here's a little perspective to show just how much our babies have grown.  It is amazing!

Cade - Week 1 (1 lb. 8 oz.)
Cade - 20 Weeks (9 lbs. 12 oz.)
Camdyn - Week 1 (1 lb. 2 oz.)
Camdyn - 20 Weeks (7 lbs. 10 oz.)

God, we are so thankful that our babies are home with us.  We are enjoying them so much.  We thank you for the blessings you have given us.  We thank you for how much they have grown and ask that you continue to bless them and help them grow at a good rate.  We pray for good results at Cade's follow up ENT appointment next Monday.  We ask you for another miracle - to heal Cade's vocal cords and return them to full mobility and function.  We know that you have already given us two beautiful miracles and that you can do anything.   In your name, Amen.


The Monkey said...

Happy to hear you are all home finally!

AWilder8509 said...

Dont worry bout the weight issue with your lil girl honey, Ayden didnt get to 8lbs til he was about 7 months old and was under 10lbs when he was discharged from the hospital and now 5 months later he has almost doubled his weight since coming home.