Thursday, October 28, 2010

Teetering on the Edge of Sanity

Just a quick update to let you all know that I may end up being committed to a mental institution at any moment.  We have moved into our new house which is really exciting but so far I have only managed to break my toe on the couch and get a speeding ticket in the school zone that we now pass.  I was rushing to the studio in between one of our many constant feeding times only to realize that I was being pulled over.  Now I have to either pay a ticket or take defensive driving in all of my extra hours in my days!!!!  I didn't wish evil on the cop that pulled me over.  I just wished for him to experience ONE of my days.  He would then understand why I was in a hurry.  If he had ONE of my days, he wouldn't have given me a ticket.  He would probably be paying me to not have to do it again.  All I know right now is that I  am very, very near insanity!  I am teetering on the edge of the cliff hanging on by just my broken toe, so if I am given any more to deal with, I will be right over the edge.  Maybe then I can get some rest in the insane asylum.  Well, I have to go feed the babies or attempt to feed the babies once again.  Camdyn is refusing every bottle and Cade is still not accepting his bottle either.  What fun!


Donna Mossholder said...

It will get easier......I am soooooooooooooo kidding. Please let me know what I can do. Jenny fagan mentioned a care calendar. Let her set one up and we can bring you meals at the very least. Let me take brenna or let me come over and vi and brenna can play and I can help with the kiddos. You need a break and really I would love to help in any way I can. I do not want you to end up in the funny farm, but you do need to catch up on your sleep. Please let me know. I'm emailing Jenny now!!!

Jenn Fagan said...

The motto "It takes a village" couldn't be more true. For NICU mom's I think that starts at pregnancy. Donna is right we are here to help in anyway we can! I can run to the grocery store, have Brenna over to play (which Olivia would LOVE), help with cleaning up or unpacking and definitely can bring a dinner by! Let us know if we can help.



Michelle said...

You guys are too sweet. You all have your own challenges to deal with. I just needed to vent. My mom is watching my kids today and my sister is tomorrow so I can get some work done, and my mother-in-law is coming up too. I am so lucky to have family that can help. It just gets to a point of feeling overwhelming sometimes. I hope you guys are all doing well. I look forward to getting together with you all soon.

chazvgo said...
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chazvgo said...

If you need an extra hand, please let me know. Bridget can give you my numbers.
Chastidy :)