Camdyn sleeping so sweetly. She just got rid of those tubes in her mouth when she was moved to 2 liters on the cannula. I think she is going to be so much happier without those in her mouth.
Brenna looking into Cade's crib. He was looking at her too. So cute!
Brenna helping take Cade's temperature.
Update -
Both Camdyn and Cade are doing remarkably well. We are so thrilled with all the progress they have made. They prove to me every day how strong they are. They are both in the low 20s on oxygen. Tonight when we visited, they were both on 21%! (That's the best you can be; it's what we breathe.) Cade has been lowered to 1 liter on his nasal cannula, and Camdyn has been lowered to 2 liters on hers.
At 2 liters, she was able to get rid of the feeding tube and vent tube in her mouth. They both now have the feeding tubes in their nose which sounds really bad, but it is actually much more comfortable for them. This also allows them to breastfeed/bottle feed. Cade is doing better with breast and bottle feeding. He now gets 2 bottles per day and breastfed once a day. He is still not taking all of the bottles, so he will not be given more bottle feeds until he does. The rest of his feeds are given through the tube. Camdyn will not be able to start breast and bottle feeding until she is back to bolus feeds (feedings at interval times). Right now she is on continuous feeds. She was put back on continuous feeds after having the big brady/apnea episode. They don't want to stress her tummy. She really needs to grow and get stronger before they will put her back on bolus feeds.
Cade now weighs 5 lbs. 3 oz, and Camdyn weighs 3 lbs. 10 oz. When they stopped her feeds and put her on the IV as a precaution for a possible infection, that really set her back on gaining weight. Luckily, she did not have an infection, but they had to work their way back up to full feeds with her. Even though it was hard to see her not gaining weight, I know that the doctors know what's best. She is now getting breast milk with 24 calorie formula added to help her gain weight. Cade is on a 22 calorie formula added to the breast milk. Camdyn is still not in an open crib. They have to be 4 lbs and able to maintain their temperature to get moved to an open crib. So, that is her next goal.
Our babies are almost into the "feeder/grower" category of NICU babies. That is actually what they call the babies who no longer need ventilators, CPAP, or high flow cannulas. They can still be on a low flow or low oxygen. These are the babies who just need to learn to take all their feeds by breast or bottle and grow. Cade is pretty much a "feeder/grower", but Camdyn is not quite there yet. Doesn't "feeder/grower" sound like raising livestock? Although it sounds terrible, it is a title we will gladly take!
I love these pictures! Thank you for continuing to share these moments with us.
congrats Michelle and Jim!!! Cade looks so much like Jim. We're continueing to pray for all of you. thanks so much for the updates and the pics!!1
Thank you for the update- C&C are doing GREAT!!! Prayers are working for your babies. We will keep them coming.
Even though you didn't get an awesome picture of all 3 that will be one that you cherish.
I love the picture of all three of them together. It is so precious. I'm so glad to see they are doing well.
So happy for you guys....I know I need to be patient...I am sure one day we will get there but its just taking my bubba a lot longer than most preemies. He just has to be different. You guys will probably be gone before his is even bottle feeding....wahhhhhhhhhh
I love love love love Camdyn sticking her tounge out...she did that even when she was only 3 weeks old and it was and continues to be teh cutest thing I have ever seen her do!
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